
take action

What you can do now to take action towards achieving diversity and inclusion.


Choose your level and then get stuck in with the actions below!

  • Starter For Ten - Adopt between 1 and 3 actions from the list below

  • Fantastic Five - Take 5 actions from the list

  • Top Ten - Aim to do all 10 or more

1. Lead

Join us as a leader in this movement for change and sign our Manifesto.


2. Support

Support this and other initiatives for change and sign the UK Government’s Women in Finance Charter which commits to:

a.     Having one member of your senior executive team who is responsible and accountable for gender diversity and inclusion;

b.     Setting internal targets for gender diversity in our senior management;

c.      Publishing progress annually against these targets in reports on our website;

d.     Having an intention to ensure the pay of the senior executive team is linked to delivery against these internal targets on gender diversity.


3. Work

Nominate a member of staff in your organization to join our Diversity Champions network.  This is a practically focused group of people looking to share practice and take forward action on equality and diversity in the social investment sector.


4. Recruit

Link the person responsible in your organization for human resources to our HR sub-group and start actively using tools to improve equality and diversity in recruitment, retention and talent management.


5. Review

Undertake a diversity review every year in your organisation - an example approach of how to deliver  Diversity Review is here.


6. Measure

Undertake a gender & ethnicity pay gap review.


7. Visibility

Commit that you/your organization will not participate in all-male or all-white panels (where possible and authentic) at interviews, workshops, seminars and conferences.


8. Encourage

Work towards wider diversity and engagement of all diverse stakeholders at internal and external events. A great set of articles to support this can be found here.


9. Help 

Commit to helping us to build and sustain an accredited training function that nurtures and develops a more diverse workforce in the social investment space - i.e. an apprenticeships function for the social investment space with a focus on diversity.


10. Enjoy 

Celebrate progress, host and attend events, share your progress through blogs/articles and look positively towards the road still to be travelled.