Improving Sector Diversity among Social

Investors in the UK

As part of the social investment sector, our ambition is to address inequalities and disadvantage in the UK, and promoting diversity and inclusion in its broadest sense should be an important part of this.

Our thinking on diversity is informed by the world of equalities and a fundamental belief that differences – whether it be a protected or unprotected characteristic – makes for richer experiences, workplaces and decisions.

Thanks to funding from The Connect Fund, a group of individuals have come together to launch Diversity Forum, comprising three sector-wide initiatives to improve diversity among social investors in the UK.

Supported by the Connect Fund.

Supported by the Connect Fund.


Diversity Forum Steering Group

The Diversity Forum Steering Group aims to provide leadership to the social investment sector on issues of diversity and inclusion by bringing together representatives across this sector.


Diversity Champions

Diversity Champions is a peer-network for committed individuals in SIFIs to support one another in championing diversity within their organizations.


Be A Supporter

Join the Diversity Champions group on LinkedIn, follow us on Twitter or send us an email to get involved.